Kia ora! Welcome to Percy Thomson Gallery.

Percy Thomson Gallery is located in the Central Taranaki town of Stratford, opening in June 2002. The Gallery is proud to be Taranaki's best Public Regional Art Gallery and is often described by visitors as a 'hidden gem' for our region. Located opposite the Clocktower, down the walkway in Prospero Place, we are fortunate to have a world-class art gallery facility hosting exhibitions by artists from Taranaki and all over Aotearoa. 

The gallery has developed and grown over the years, now receiving national recognition as a thriving and diverse exhibition space catering for all age groups and interests and involving the community at large.

New exhibitions start every three to six weeks, and vary between national, local and regional artists – established and emerging.

Sign Up for our Gallery Newsletter

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Thank you for signing up to our Gallery newsletter! We will be in touch shortly! If you want to connect with us further, follow us on our social media channels @percythomsongallery


Percy Thomson Gallery
Prospero Place
56 Miranda Street

Telephone & Email

06 765 0917 

Gallery Director

Laura Campbell

Opening hours

Open 7 days, Free Entry. Koha (donations) are appreciated to keep our wonderful small regional Art Gallery operating.

10am – 4.00pm weekdays 
10am – 3.00pm weekends 

Closed most Public Holidays and during exhibition changeovers. 

*Please follow us on social media to keep up to date with Opening hours during these times.

Percy's Place is our boutique art shop featuring high-quality work by local artists.

10.30am — 3.30pm, Weekends 10.30am – 2.30pm


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